“Reeds into Rocks”

I heard it on the radio one morning. I wish I could have gotten the name of the host giving the sermon / encouragement. He said, “Jesus can turn a reed into a rock.” I don’t think the point was that Jesus called Peter a rock, etc., or any of the implications that come withContinue reading ““Reeds into Rocks””

Our Society Reduces Men to the Tin man or Scarecrow; Jesus remakes men with Chests

It can become tough living in a society which expects so much from men and yet respects them so little. It can become daunting answering the question of “what makes a man?” If men are honest, many would muster an answer more informed by culture than by Christ. And yet many more would honesty admitContinue reading “Our Society Reduces Men to the Tin man or Scarecrow; Jesus remakes men with Chests”

This Hour’s Elijahs: Millennials and The Future

I was talking with a friend the other night about what God is doing in the midst of our young adult fellowship. This conversation stirred my spirit. Believers are a terror to hell, not terrorized by hell. Believers are to be known by hell, not unknown to it: “And God was doing extraordinary miracles byContinue reading “This Hour’s Elijahs: Millennials and The Future”

Freedom to Fly: A Call to Action

It’s time for the Church to possess the power she’s been equipped with. WE ARE THE ARMY OF GOD. It’s not that we were never given the equipment to succeed but that we have often neglected seeing and utilizing the equipment. Unlike the equipment of the armies of the world, the equipment of the armyContinue reading “Freedom to Fly: A Call to Action”

“Headship & Submission” – A lot of People Say a Lot about it. What does God say?

Setting the Record Straight on God’s Extravagant Design for Marriage

The Strongest Fathers Give The Firmest Hugs

Don’t be scared by people who may deliver you strong words provided their root is not in harshness but in sincerity, because in today’s society this is a rare thing indeed, yet as we know some of the rarest resources are as gold and diamonds unto us. The most loving fathers give a lot ofContinue reading “The Strongest Fathers Give The Firmest Hugs”