No “Safe Spaces”. How Faith Moves You Into the “Glorious Unknown!”

“This is a safe space.” What does the phrase “cue up” for you in your mind? Political correctness? Safe spaces are actually more dangerous than you might think. Here’s why… I cringe to think that I’ve ever used the phrase “safe space” in conversation, but since I want to be honest, I admit I haveContinue reading “No “Safe Spaces”. How Faith Moves You Into the “Glorious Unknown!””

3 Things I Really Want Gen Z Christians to Know Right Now

Tech Ain’t Making Your Life DEEPER Or better. Honestly, it’s not just a “you” problem. It’s not an issue only Gen Z’ers must contend with. Smartphone addiction plagues the human race all the way up from grandparents down to grandchildren. The overarching dark cloud of this stimulation addiction is felt in TOXIC effects had onContinue reading “3 Things I Really Want Gen Z Christians to Know Right Now”

“Beware of the Leaven of Herod”: How Politicians can Operate like Foxes

I believe many politicians can be like foxes. By the way, I love foxes as an animal. I also love people. I do not like some of the behavior that comes from people though. Let’s begin. Reason #1: A “Leash” that Needs a Leash A group of foxes is called a “leash.” Over this pastContinue reading ““Beware of the Leaven of Herod”: How Politicians can Operate like Foxes”