Why God allows Babies (And their Parents) Nine Months before Birth

As I reflected on watching my wife over these past nine months with our son (in the womb), and then watching him be born (outside the womb), I believe the Holy Spirit of God revealed to me a huge reason for the question of “why do babies take nine months to grow before birth?” TheContinue reading “Why God allows Babies (And their Parents) Nine Months before Birth”

The Wedding, a Friend and the Authority of your Example

To believe that God has someone hand-picked for you to marry. Yea, that takes FAITH. But it’s worth it. Every last ounce of it! And God will waste none of it, right down to your last drop of faith.

Kill. Pride. Fast.

“Oh how pride has withered men into snakes and turned angels into devils. Pride is the denial of God, the invention of the devil, the mother of condemnation, the gateway to hypocrisy, the fortress of devils, the source of all hardheartedness, the denial of compassion, the root of blasphemy, the exaltation of self-efforts, the spurningContinue reading “Kill. Pride. Fast.”

Four Books that Shaped my Thinking as a Single Preparing for Marriage!

I was one of those singles that wanted to “do everything right.” I wanted to up my knowledge about marriage, I wanted to find the best resources I could, and I wanted to learn from friends and people who actually were happily married, in order to gain the edge that wisdom gives, before preparing forContinue reading “Four Books that Shaped my Thinking as a Single Preparing for Marriage!”

Test and Testimony (Part 2) “How I Got Here and How I Got Her”

The story of how Jordan and I ended up in Boston is considerably mind blowing in itself. I believe that’s because it’s built on faith, not logic. I’d love to share because it’s nothing short of God’s hand, which is what I’d prayed for. In continuing from my last blog, Jordan had graduated at LSUContinue reading “Test and Testimony (Part 2) “How I Got Here and How I Got Her””